Roaring Lion Ministries was founded in 2013 and is lead by the Holy Spirit and has placed Jesus Christ at the center of what we call ministry. Through an active pursuit of an intimate relationship with God Ronelda and Barry have been raised up to allow and facilitate a safe place for the voice of God to be uttered. By allowing the body of christ to function in the giftings with Gods character we are all being built up and equipped to obey and hear the voice of the Lord.
Ronelda is a prophetic artist painting visions and dreams received from God. Barry walks in the prophetic and unashamedly shares the words that he receives from God in his dreams and visions. With the combining of these prophetic words and paintings the voice from the throne is uniquely and sacredly unveiled. The Holy Spirit has been using these powerful paintings and words to speak to, build up and bless individuals and nations.
Together Ronelda and Barry host a gathering of people that provides a sacred and safe
place, a place of service. By respecting, facilitating and nurturing the character of God and placing value on Gods presence the gifts and callings naturally begin to flow from his people in alignment with the will of God. We are a prophetic ministry with a heart to serve the body of christ and to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We seek to humble ourselves unto the service of the Lord just as Jesus did in Luke 22:27 "But I am among you as one who serves."

Greg and Sandy Lemky have been a true friend and partner with our ministry. Greg and Sandy are true new testament Apostles. They have spent 16 years in Uganda and have shaken that nation. Over two million souls have come into the kingdom through there ministries. Countless churches have been built. Greg and Sandy have written books for the education system of Uganda and the army. We talk about taking the seven mountains of influence, but these beautiful friends are the real deal. love you both.

Henry Gruver has become known as a “Prayer Walker to the World.” Henry started his prayer walking with the Lord on the Skid Row streets of Phoenix, Arizona, in 1961 at the age of 18. Henry Gruver has now gone on to glory. We had the honor of sharing with Henry the precious Prophetic word that we received from Jesus. Through meeting Henry through divine providence, God opened a door for having Henry preach at our home and be apart and partner with his ministry. Thank you Henry.

Dr. Howard Morgan Ministries is an international ministry based in Duluth, Georgia. We consider Howard one of our spiritual fathers. He has been an incredible support and friend in the ministry. Just after we had an encounter and prophetic word from the Lord that Jesus commissioned us to share with his people Howard happened to be preaching in our city. Through divine connections, Howard came to our house to teach and was part of the procession and proofreading of the prophetic word. Thank you

Mark and Tracy Hutzler are our closest and dearest friends. Their support and friendship have been un-wavering. Mark has been gifted as a teacher in the history of the Bible. Mark has spent over seven years in the making of his historical bible timeline of which I believe to be the most accurate. The timeline is an account from Adam until the present day. According to Marks calculations we are now closing into six thousand years since Adams fall. Mark and Tracey, we love you both!