Nov. 2016
This is a prophetic painting of the kingdom of God arising in Gods people in the midst of great storms and adversity. In the dream the waves were building up as a great storm and were ready to crash against the shore. At the left of the painting you will notice a beach house and in the front of the beach house are two beach chairs with red and white stripes. The beach house is the secret place of the most high. The red and white beach chairs are a place of rest in his presence. The red and white stripes on the deck chairs represent his precious blood and cleansing power to make us clean and white. The waves were roaring and tossing and surely looked as tho the house and those in the house would be crushed under this tidal wave. Suddenly out of this wave starts to arise the kingdom of God and the power of his Christ. As this kingdom began to arise in the midst of this great storm the wave began to dissipate and collapse. The wave that was going to destroy the beach house simply collapsed and trickled by the beach house. When this happened I heard a voice say "A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee.”Psalms 91:7
God has given us front row seats to see and experience the kingdom power. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached... There is no kingdom without a king and THE King is coming soon in us and for us.
When I had already begun painting this dream I had a second dream. In my dream I saw the painting finished and standing in front of me. As I looked, out of the painting came forth a transparent hand that was open and in the hand was a seed. The hand in the picture was painted after the second dream.
The hand in the painting is Gods hand offering us the kingdom but we have to reach out and take it. The kingdom of God is at hand! It's in reach! It may be only a seed but in that seed is a tree and in that tree are millions of seeds.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”
Hebrews 12:28
Ronelda Neufeld